Categories: Politics


Aron Bijl

“If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum.”

– Fran Lebowitz –

Multiple sources report that Trump just authorized Qatar to purchase over $21 billion in U.S. weapons, $12billion of which goes to the purchase of F-15QA fighter jets. This while Donald placed allegations on Qatar of funding terrorism, only a few days ago.

And let’s not forget that the Gulf states recently decided to boycott Qatar. In Donnie’s defense though: The real decision about this was already taken last November when Obama was still in office.

Nevertheless, Donnie seems quite eager to arm Qatar now, stating he was going to sell them “…big beautiful weapons.” ‘Arm your enemies’ enemy and let him do your dirty work’, is what must be the rationale Washington is going by. But the US should know by now, by the scorch marks on its britches, that this is a risky strategy at the least, and, in all reality, akin to playing with fire. Another rampant terrorist group, now armed with F15’s would really liven up the party, after all, right Don?…

…Awfull Jackass!

Aron Bijl: @https://twitter.com/AronAxeAron was born in 1983 in Alkmaar, The Netherlands. After attending high school in Alkmaar at the Murmellius Gymnasium he went on to study Experimental Psychology at the University of Amsterdam (U.v.A.), earning his Masters degree with merit in 2012, after attending the U.v.A. for 10 years. Why hurry when you are enjoying yourself, right? Writing his thesis on a parapsychological subject, he chose to devote (the psychological science part of) his career to a controversial field, studying subjects like life after death, telepathy, extrasensory perception, and telekinesis. Hence in today's close minded paradigm, mainstream science isn't very receptive of results coming from this field of study, making this mainly a voluntary effort. He is also a member of the board of the Dutch Society for Psychical Research. After a 5 week incarceration concerning a drug-related charge, he was looking for a new challenge. In 2017 he started the Proud Highway blog, eager to share his thoughts with a broader public. Always hunting for the naked truth and loving going out to the edge of things, both on paper and in real life, he gives his vision of the truth in matters.