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When are you a trustworthy news source?

  When are you a trustworthy news source? Being a trustworthy source of news and insights is what the Highway…

Aron Bijl

Trump sells F15’s to Qatar, the country he says funds terrorism…

by Aron Bijl "If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum." - Fran Lebowitz - Multiple sources report…

Aron Bijl

Putin destroys NBC’s Megan Kelly in this uncut interview

by Aron Bijl Last week on NBC, Megan Kelly interviewed Putin about the state of affairs in Russia and got totally…

Aron Bijl

Donald’s Alzheimer’s: The plot thickens

by Aron Bijl In honor of his birthday, I couldn't refrain from posting some new juice on my good friend…

Aron Bijl

Start your day full of inspiration and awe with this 8 minute video

By Aron Bijl I encountered this short video by xvivo.net a while back. Explaining how a certain white blood cell…

Aron Bijl

Why the Proud Highway? Explaining the title of this website.

Aron Bijl I believe the title of this website, the Proud Highway, deserves a little explanation, as it refers to…

Aron Bijl

Trump: The Vaudeville continues. How Trumps’ Presidency is crumbling to bits.

Aron Bijl -Avarus, nisi cum poritur, nil recte facit- (A miser, until he dies, does nothing right) Latin Proverb Leadership…

Aron Bijl

Google A.I. powers are reaching new, even eerier levels

  Google A.I. powers are reaching new, even eerier levels In a new ploy by Google to figure us out…

Aron Bijl

How studying for yesterdays’ exam can up your grade!

Being a scientist at heart (I have a degree in experimental psychology) I like to get a little "science-ey" now…

Aron Bijl

Elders react to Rammstein – The unabridged version

A couple of days ago, Fine Brothers Entertainment released a hilarious clip of some elders reacting to Rammstein clips. While…

Aron Bijl